

You need to create your ~/.gammurc:

port = /dev/ttyUSB0
connection = fbus

Replace /dev/ttyUSB0 with your serial port device and fbus with the appropriate protocol name if you are not a Nokia user. Check if you have write access to the device, you need to be a member of the uucp group.

Once you think you’re done, check your setup:

$ gnokii --identify

It should print your IMEI number so that you’ll be able to check if gammu really found your phone or there is a problem.

Creating a backup

You probably use gammu to make a backup of your phone.

This involves two steps:

  • Backing up your SMSes

    $ gammu --backupsms backupsms.txt
  • The rest of your phone.

    $ gammu --backup backup.txt

You may find an alternative format more human-readable for SMSes:

$ gammu --geteachsms > eachsms.txt

See the manual page for more tricks!